Here is a selection of publications that Will has been involved with:
- Morgan Bazilian, Mackay Miller, Reid Detchon, Michael Liebreich, William Blyth, et. al. (2013) “Accelerating the Global Transformation to 21st Century Power Systems” Electr. J. (2013),
- Oxford Energy Associates Report to Parliamentary Environmental Audit Committee on UK Energy Subsidies
- IRENA Renewable Readiness Assessments Senegal and Mozambique
- OECD Green Growth Studies: Energy (pdf)
- Blyth, W. Savage, M. (2011) “Financing Energy Efficiency: A Strategy for Reducing Lending Risk” Chatham House Report. pdfs available in English and Russian
- Blyth, W. and Bunn, D. (2011) “Coevolution of policy, market and technical price risks in the EU ETS” Energy Policy 39 pp 4578–4593 (pdf)
- Bazilian, M. Hobbs, B. Blyth, W. MacGill, I. Howells, M. (2011) “Interactions between energy security and climate change: A focus on developing countries” Energy Policy 39 pp 3750-3756 (pdf)
- Kettunen, J., D. W. Bunn, W. Blyth. (2011) “Investment Propensities under Carbon Policy Uncertainty”. The Energy Journal 32(1), 77-117.
- Blyth, W. (2010) “How do Emerging Carbon Markets Influence Energy Sector Investments?” in Global Energy Governance, Brookings Institution Press
- Gross, R. Blyth, W. Heptonstall, P. (2010) “Risks, revenues and investment in electricity generation: Why policy needs to look beyond costs” Energy Economics 32 (2010) 796–804 (pdf)
- Blyth, W. Bunn, D. Kettunen, J. Wilson, T. (2009) “Policy interactions, risk and price formation in carbon markets” Energy Policy 37(12), p 5192-5207 (pdf)
- Blyth, W. (2009) “Risks and uncertainties in low-carbon energy investments” European Review of Energy Markets – vol 3(2)
- Blyth, W. (2008) “The effectiveness of climate change policy as an investment driver in the power sector” in Corporate Responses to Climate Change: Achieving Emissions Reductions through Regulation, Self-regulation and Economic Incentives (ed. Sullivan), pub. Greenleaf, Sheffield Nov. 2008
- Blyth, W. (2008) “Use of Real Options as a Policy-Analysis Tool” in Analytical Methods for Energy Diversity & Security (ed. Bazilian & Roques), Elsevier
- Blyth, W. Yang, M. (2007) “Climate Policy Uncertainty and Investment Risk” pub. International Energy Agency, Paris ISBN 978-92-64-03014-5 (pdf)
- Chatham House 2007 “Incentives, risk and decision-making in mitigating climate change” (pdf)
- Blyth, W. Bradley, R. Bunn, D. Clarke, C. Wilson, T. Yang, M. (2007) “Investment risks under uncertain climate change policy” Energy Policy 35, 5766-5773 (pdf)
- Yang, M. Blyth, W. Bradley, R. Bunn, D. Clarke, C. Wilson, T. (2008) “Evaluating the power investment option with uncertainty in climate policy” Energy Economics 30 1933–1950 (pdf)
- Gross, R. Heptonstall, P. Blyth, W. (2007) “Investment in electricity generation: the role of costs, incentives and risks” UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment report (main report pdf) Blyth background paper pdf
- Blyth, W. Hamilton, K. (2006): “Aligning Climate and Energy Policy: creating incentives to invest in low carbon technologies in the context of linked markets for fossil fuel, electricity and carbon”, Energy, Environment and Development Programme, Chatham House, paper for Stern Review, April 21 2006, London (pdf)
- Blyth, W. Lefevre, N. “Energy Security and Climate Change Policy Interactions” International Energy Agency (pdf)
- Blyth, W. Bosi, M. (2004) “Linking non-EU domestic emissions trading schemes with the EU-ETS” International Energy Agency, report no. COM/ENV/EPOC/IEA/SLT(2004)6 (pdf)
- Lu, X. Gaj, H. Sullivan, J. Blyth, W. Hanna, J. Diaz-Bone, H. (2005) “UNFCCC Expert Review of EU 3rd National Communication” FCCC/IDR.3/EC (pdf)
- Blyth, W. Baron, R. (2003) “Green Investment Schemes: Options and Issues” International Energy Agency, report no. COM/ENV/EPOC/IEA/SLT(2003)9 (pdf)