
Oxford Energy Associates is an independent consultancy specialising in energy and climate change policy advice. We work through a network of associates to give clients access to expertise on a wide range of policy issues.

OEA was set up by Chatham House Associate Fellow William Blyth. It is a team of trusted and impartial advisors who research, inform and influence the global transition to a sustainable energy system, taking account of climate change and social equity.

William Blyth

Energy underpins virtually all economic activity, and ensuring its reliable and cost-effective supply is of central importance to business and governments alike.

However, the energy sector is undergoing major shifts on a number of fronts: sources of energy supply, mix of fuels, company ownership, physical infrastructure, and regulatory frameworks. Morevoer, as a dominant source of greenhouse gas emissions, the energy sector faces the need to respond to increasing pressure on climate change mitigation, and to become an integral part of the solution.

The challenge will be to find ways to ensure that the necessary transition to different methods of production and consumption is accomplished as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Achieving this aim will require governments to implement good policy design, and companies to respond robustly to these policies. Oxford Energy Associates, with over a decade of experience working with both business and government clients, can help.

William is currently an Associate Fellow of Chatham House where he has worked on a number of projects relating to energy and climate policy both in developed and emerging market contexts.

He is also a Visiting Research Fellow of London Business School where he has worked with Prof Derek Bunn focussing on decision-making under uncertainty.

Oxford Energy Associates has worked for a wide range of public and private sector organisations including: EBRD, IEA, EPRI, GPPi, UKERC, IPPR, DECC, Climate Change Committee, the European Commission, RWE npower, E.ON UK, Enel

Until October 2004, William was working at the International Energy Agency in Paris where he carried out policy analysis for the IEA committee responsible for energy and climate change policy issues, as well as the Annex I Experts Group, a committee of international climate negotiators. During his time at the IEA, William wrote several papers on issues ranging from green investment schemes, linking of emissions trading schemes and a framework for assessing interactions between climate change policies and energy security policies. In addition he contributed to the expert in-depth review of Sweden’s energy policy, as well as the UNFCCC’s review of the third national communication of the EU.

Prior to joining the IEA, William worked for a short period at the European Environment Agency where he worked as Project Manager on Energy and Environment. Prior to that he worked for over 8 years at one of Europe’s largest environmental consultancies – AEA Technology where he worked with a wide range of companies helping them develop suitable response strategies to new climate change policies. William has a DPhil in Physics from Oxford University.